Tuesday, April 10, 2012

High Maintenance..I think so!

In our home Zoe has banned the f word-but I bet its not the F word your thinking of!

For the past 5 months, I have called her a fu-fu. She banned it. Aside from the financial aspect of dr's, therapists, pills and patches; Zoe has spent more money on makeup, hair dye, nail polish and whatnots then I have in the past 13 yrs!! I am suspecting that she will eventually show up from a shopping trip with designer heels and a matching purse with a cute little doggie yapping at our cat.

Last summer before coming out; Zoe convinced me to sell AVON so she could get girly goods at the discount rate. To use the term epic fail would be the understatement of the year. Zoe decided that AVON makeup is crap. She does however like the Anew stuff that we spent a small fortune on, and I got a killer pair of boots.

All joking aside, Transition is expensive. Its not easy on a budget, or the person in transition. The amount of time she spends each day just getting her face on is beyond anything I would ever have the patience for. Then again, I have never been into the fu fu or makeup thing. Not to mention, having 4 children who are higher maintenance than my wife I am lucky to shower daily.

Zoe is doing a great job with her makeup, although going to blonde was a real shocker for me. I honestly thought I was going to pee my pants from laughing so hard. It's kinda growing on me now, but on the initial viewing I literally had to hold back tears. I guess thats how she felt when I went red for the first and only time in my life.

Conversations that begin with "hey babe do you have my mascara" are the norm around here these days. Really, I only have myself to blame about her costs. When she started dressing at home, I told her that she had to buy her own as I already have to hide all my makeup from our daughter.



High Maintenance? You have no idea of all the things I have to consider, buy, research etc just to turn myself into the hot chick you see each afternoon after I lock myself in the bedroom for 2+ hours a day!

In the beginning theres....
Therapy, Dr's, Hormones
Coming out to friends, family, work and people on a daily basis.
Shaving, facial hair remover, body hair removal,  electrolysis
Obsessing over the slightest changes and what I will look like in the end.

Throughout the process is...
Hair growth and styling
Trimming and shaping eyebrows
Clothing, undergarments,shoes
Relearning how to think, feel, talk, walk, socialize, general mannerisms

Things on my mind for the near future...
Facial feminization, nose reduction
Name and gender changes including a visit to a judge, an ad in the paper and a trip to the DMV.
Voice training and feminization
Trachial shaving
Srs(sex reassignment surgery)

Not every person who transitions does all of this, its a personal decision. For me its all about the end game, and who I will be and what I will look like. I have every intention of being so passable that nobody will ever know I was born with a male anatomy. True, there are no guarauntees that this will be the case but ya can't blame a girl for trying.


1 comment:

  1. Good grief Zoe, you do more than I ever have. LOL, eventually you'll get tired of it all. But hey, I think we all went through this when we first started doing hair, make up etc. Have fun with it, maybe in the end you can teach me a thing or two.
